Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Biblical Inspiration Of The Bible - 1759 Words
What is Biblical inspiration? ‘It is the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit upon Bible authors which rendered their writings as inspired record of God’s revelation.’ The most discussed issue not only in the Christian belief but amongst many theological scholars today is that of the inspiration of the Scripture. In 2 Tim. 3:16, Scripture is represented as: ‘God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’. Additionally, ‘the importance of inspiration is that it safeguards a writer from error’. In this essay I will show what is meant in Christianity that the Bible is inspired by God and how God inspired the Bible, ‘†¦the concept of inspiration has been much used in Roman Catholicism as†¦show more content†¦Plenary verbal inspiration A view taught mainly in all biblically conservative Christian churches. This view is slightly indistinguishable from the ‘dictation theory of inspiration’; as ‘human activities (such as penning a book) can be totally controlled by God without violating human freedom’. Plenary which means ‘fullness or wholeness’ and the word verbal therefore suggests that this theory of inspiration extends to the exact words the writers chose and this view represents the Scripture as being completely inspired. God however did not mechanically dictate the writers but he simply dictated the very words of the Bible, and that the words written are the thoughts of God, therefore having been interpreted correctly by the writers, this according to Christians concludes the Bible as the inerrant word of God; ‘The Holy Bible as we have it today, can be accepted as fully inspired, reliable and authorative’. Thus, causing a Christian to take all the declarative statements of Scripture as reliable and true without no errors or problems; ‘†¦each biblical statement can be read as a true proposition to be affirmed’. In 2 Peter 1:21, it is clearly illustrated that although God used men who had various sorts of approaches to writing and divergent personalities, he still divinely inspired the very words the authors wrote. Additionally this therefore
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