Wednesday, May 20, 2020
History Of Managed Care And Health Maintenance Organizations
Those of us who have served in the Military a very familiar with managed care, we may not totally understand the concept of managed cared but are recipients of it daily. Unless there is a heated political debate about health care reform we usually don’t worry about health care reform. Health care cost is not something that we worry about; after all the government takes care of all our medical needs, even when we are seen out on the economy. The only time we might the troubles of health cost might visit our door steps occur when family members decided to see an out of network provider, we are them held accountable for paying medical bills. What I failed to realize during my time on active duty, Tricare is just another form of a managed care program. In this essay we will explore the history of managed care and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). Additional, we’ll take a look at how managed came about, and the future of managed care and health care reform in th e U.S. What is managed care and where did it come from? According to Medicaid. Gov, â€Å"managed care is a health care delivery system organized to managed cost, utilization, and quality†(, 2014). The begins of managed care can be dated back to 1910, consumers paid $.50 a month for medical care. During this time there weren’t checks and balances nor were there governing agency to ensure equal care to control health care cost. 20 years later Dr. Michael Shadid led farmers in the establishment of aShow MoreRelatedHow Managed Care Is A System834 Words  | 4 Pages Managed care is a system that puts together the financing and delivery of apposite health care by means of an all-inclusive set of services (Docteur, E., Oxley, H. 2003). Although, managed care can be considered an expansive term that covers many form of organizations and insurance alternative that includes †¢ Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), that provides a wide-ranging option of services, over a period f time and at a fixed rate. †¢ Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), that consistRead MoreSignificant Event in Health Care792 Words  | 4 PagesSignificant Health Care Event Linda B. Conner, RN, BSN HCS/531 October 13, 2014 Dale Mueller Significant Health Care Event The health care system in the United States has been growing and changing for years and will continue to do so for years to come. The one constant in the Unite States health care system is change and evolution through evaluations of those changes. If there had not been unrest with the level and provisions of care in the early 1970s Managed Care may have never been introducedRead MoreThe Managed Health Care System1678 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The managed health care system is a complex process that must align financial incentives and goals. Therefore, managed care is thought of as a complex puzzle that once one piece is moved it will affect the outcomes of the rest of the system (Boyd Finamn, 2010). As a result, it is essential that the managed care organization have the ability to align its financial incentives with the goals of all parties involved, such as the providers who deliver healthcare services and the health insuranceRead MoreThe Iron Triangle For Healthcare1320 Words  | 6 Pagescharacteristics when balanced create great healthcare. Managed Care Organizations combine the three to offer consumers with care that is appropriate for their individual needs. Our book describes managed care organizations as â€Å"the cost management of healthcare services by controlling who the consumer sees and how much the service cost†(Basics of the U.S Healthcare System, Niles). Taking a look at the history prior to the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 (HMO ACT of 1973) the implementationRead MoreEvolution Of Managed Care And The Forces That Have Driven Its Evolution1228 Words  | 5 PagesDescribe the evolution of managed care and the forces that have driven its evolution. Managed care and its competition is being viewed to solve their issue on the struggle to control rising health care costs. Managed care can be defined a system of delivering health services in which care is delivered by a specified network of providers who agree to comply with the care approaches established through a case management process. Managed care has a one hundred years of history in the United States,Read MoreManaged Care Term Paper1457 Words  | 6 PagesU.S. Health Care Delivery System Term Paper Margarita Blanco March.29th, 2010 Managed care was started as early as the 1900’s, the cited pioneer of the structured system of care that is known today as â€Å"Managed Care†is Dr. Michael Shadid. His goal was to help meet the health care needs of a certain groups of people. Such as: rural residents, workers and families in the lumber, mining and railroad industries; theRead MoreSignificant Health Care Event - Managed Care1489 Words  | 6 PagesSignificant Health Care Event - Managed Care Health care has grown and evolved over the centuries from haphazard treatment based on tradition and superstition that often times did more harm than good, to a system that is able to preserve life in situations where life was previously believed to be unsustainable as recently as just 50 years ago. The concept of managed health care began over 100 years ago as a means by which medical care could be provided to injured workers, but has undergone majorRead MoreBeing An American Guarantees The Right And Responsibility1370 Words  | 6 Pagesright and responsibility of having Health Insurance. Whether you have Health Insurance coverage through your job, spouse, serving in the military, it is very critical in this day in age, a person to have some kind of coverage. There are many types of Insurance you may receive and different types of organizations, such as a Preferred Plan Organization, or Health Maintenance Organization. They type of Insurance you receive is your decision as wel l. The history of Health Insurance beings with its revolutionRead MoreMental Illness and Health Care for the Mentally Ill Essay1216 Words  | 5 Pageslong-term trend wherein fewer people reside as patients in mental hospitals and fewer mental health treatments are delivered in public hospitals. This trend is directly due to the process of closing public hospitals and the ensuring transfers of patients to community-based Mental health services in the late twentieth century. Deinstitutionalization, occurring sometime afterWWII, was a progression in history, which allowed for the reformation movement of mental illness hospitals (Mental, 2008). WithRead MoreThe Evolution Of Health Care861 Words  | 4 PagesThe evolution of health care has influenced current health care systems using insurance companies in a number of ways. This evolution started almost a decade ago when there was need to transform the organization of health care system. Retail clinics have emerged to offer routi ne preventative and acute care services by non-physician providers, with predictable wait times, more convenient venues, and more obtainable prices. This article evaluates the evolution of the health care system and examines
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Race, Class and Gender through Family
In society everyone is categorized under a race; this is what divides individuals according to their physical characteristics which are inherited such as skin color, eye color, and hair color. Many people are easily confused between race and ethnicity, the difference is that ethnicity relates to cultural factors such as nationality, language, and beliefs. In the story â€Å" Life as the Maid’s Daughter†by Mary Romero we explore the boundaries, Teresa one of the main characters has to deal with everyday based on her race, gender and class. We see that living with boundaries creates frustration and confusion within Teresa’s early stage of life. Teresa is both bilingual and bicultural meaning she can speak two languages and abides by two†¦show more content†¦The reason I was aware of these color differences was through school where there was kids of all different races. In kindergarten was the first time I interacted with people of a different race, this was because my family was all Caucasian along with all the children that lived within my neighborhood. Even though these children in school were of a different race, I believed all people were equal despite one’s skin color, hair color, or eye color. Teresa’s experience as the maid’s daughter made her recognize the social class that she was a part of. A social class is the wealth, power, and rankings that an individual holds within society. For Teresa she was in a low social class her mother made an inadequate amount of money by being a live in maid. Teresa’s story was highly based on learning rules that were set by white, monolingual Eng lish speaking customers. Rather than have her own individuality. â€Å"Teresa was socialized to conform to female sex roles†. Prestige is defined as â€Å"an individual’s social recognition, esteem, and respect commanded from others.†It is evident that Teresa lacked respect from others who forced their own ethnicities upon her while ignoring her Mexican identity. Teresa’s mother by the name of Carmen would fall under the feminization of poverty, this refers to women who are single with a child. In Carmen’s case it is difficult to climb the ranks of the social class due to her lackShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Daughter From Danang 1272 Words  | 6 PagesThrough the process of social construction, various social statuses, such as race, class, and gender, are given a deeper meaning than simply a category. In turn, these statuses begin having an effect on the groups they encompass, causing some groups to become dominate over others and shaping the hierarchy of their society. Once established, these statuses begin to intertwine and influence one another, along with space and time, which is called intersections. These intersections work together to furtherRead MoreEffects Of Socialization1676 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"process by which individuals acquire thoughts, feelings, and behaviors â€Å"appropriate†to their positions in society,†(Rohall 149). Individuals experience socialization beginning the day they are born, and throughout most of their lives. It can occur through everyday observation and interaction at every stage of development, or it can occur more formally though education and mentors. Socialization is important to how individuals interact in society and it also plays a part in most aspects of social psychologyRead MoreRace And Gender Play : A Woman At The Top Of Her Career Essay1350 Words  | 6 PagesPicture a woman at the top of her career, with a title of Director and/or Senior Vice presid ent. Now picture a man at the top of his career, with the same title. How does this woman and man look different through your eyes? Many would say that the women, must be Caucasian, have a college degree, most likely single and no kids in the future, due to the fact that she has attained such a prestigious position. She may be labeled as aggressive, callous and unhappy. While the man would be lookedRead MoreUnderstanding Gender Identity and Sexuality1083 Words  | 5 Pagesthe terms â€Å"gender†and â€Å"sex†are often used interchangeably, the two words have significantly different definitions. One could argue that sex refers to biological essentialism and the idea that we are who we are because of our genetic material. On the other hand, gender is associated with the social constructionist theory, which argues that the way we are is dependent on our race, class, and sexuality. Because each person is different in their race, class, and sexuality, their gend er becomes sociallyRead MoreAmerican Society After The World War Era Essay1132 Words  | 5 Pagesexclusion†excluded individuals from American society because of their race, class, and gender. This exclusion included people of color, lower class citizens, and women. Race was an ongoing struggle since the birth of America, and it only seemed to divide people even more so through time. People of color were excluded from American society through sharecropping, immigration restrictions, and governmental institutions. Class was altered through the New Deal, public housing, and the lack of education providedRead MoreThe Meanings of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality953 Words  | 4 PagesThe Meanings of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality The meanings of race, class, gender, and sexuality are definitely complicated and intertwined through intersectionality. To fully understand these meanings, one must first open his or her mind and recognize that social stipulations that society inflicts upon people need to be thrown away. One must ignore conceptions of something being static or natural (Mills 10). A naà ¯ve individual would consider race as simply a biological classificationRead MorePersonal Narrative : My American Experience1750 Words  | 7 Pageslearn a number of things relating to ways of life in a foreign land. Social, political and economic values and aspects are usually different from one region to another. Therefore, through studying abroad one is able to learn different issues about another society such as gender and sexuality issues, social class and race/ethnicity issues. Having come from a developing country studying in the U.S.A has been a great experience personally. This paper will attempt to provide a reflection of my personalRead MoreWhat Does Sociology Mean?1585 Words  | 7 Pagesinequality (social class, social mobility, gender, race and ethnicity), work, economy, marriage, and family. Inequality In my country Saudi Arabia, there is inequality, and it is affected peoples lives. I used to work for Saudi Airlines for five years. In that period, I experienced inequality such as promotions, and training opportunity. That inequality made me angry, and forced me to quit working. My social class is the upper-middle class. I am a 29-year-old male. I belong to Arab Semitic race, and I belongRead MoreHow Action Perpetuate A Social Structure984 Words  | 4 PagesEven further disbelief comes about when they mention of how race, class, and gender intersect and what causes certain types of people to have disadvantages in the social hierarchy. Most believe in the iconic American saying â€Å"pulling yourself up by your boot straps†believe this is the only way to achieve great achievements in life and the only thing that holds yourself back is you; not knowing of this structure. This structure permeates through all sectors of our lives and begins as early as in highRead MoreWhy Education Is Not An Equal Opportunity For Everyone1259 Words  | 6 Pagesshe speaks of the inequality mainly affecting women while subtly hinting at the inequality present in education in regards to race and class. Gender, race and class are three characteristics that work together to create either a positive or negative profile for one’s education. When delving into the content of Rich’s essay, the author clearly indicates her focus on the gender imbalance in education and how that impacts the lives of women. Women’s education is something that has been an addition to
Industry Challenges and Policy Barriers †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Industry Challenges and Policy Barriers. Answer: Introduction: is a start-up company that shall offer various products including electronic items such as mobiles, tablets, television and other entertainment devices, cameras, home and kitchen appliances, men and women apparels, personal and health devices, home dcor items, beauty products and all kinds of grocery items. In short, the company aims at providing a complete shopping experience through a single app. The mission of the company is to provide the best quality certified products at comparatively cheaper price than the competitors. The company aims at prompt and safe delivery of products as per the convenience of the customers. The company plans to raise annual revenue of AUD $5 million by the end of the third financial year by investing AUD $1.45 million. Based upon the financial projections, the company shall reach break-even point within one year. The company shall develop its own app namely Easeurshopping through which the users can easily view products and place ord ers using their smartphones. Various reports have shown that the households in Australia are increasingly engaging themselves in online shopping. Australians have been reported to be frequent online shoppers. Approximately three out of ten Australians shop online on a weekly or more often basis. The consumers are embracing new entrants into this channel due to which online retailing is strengthening with every passing day. The retailers of physical offline stores have reported a continuous weak performance due to the price advantage of the online retailers. Since, the online retailers have lesser costs to incur by avoiding rental costs, labor costs and many other expenses therefore, the online retailers are able to provide the products are a comparatively cheaper price than the traditional retailers. and Ebay Inc are reported to be the biggest players in the online retailing business in Australia. However, increased penetration of internet especially in mobile devices shall give massive scope to the n ew entrants in this channel. The increasing confidence of people in online transactions is also to become a favorable aspect for the success of new online businesses. The e-commerce sales in Australia had crossed $37 billion in the year 2014 and it has been forecasted that the sales shall increase by $3 to $4 billion every year. Various statistics have shown that 53% of the shopping done by the Australians is through online shopping sites. The addition of m-commerce has added opportunities for the online retailers. It has been reported that more than 57% of the shoppers have purchased more online products via smartphones. The growth of e-commerce has lesser adverse impacts on the environment as there is no requirement of setting up a physical store that shall prevent further deterioration of land. The shoppers are no longer required to travel and reach the stores. This would help in reducing the carbon emissions from the vehicles. Sustainable marketing strategies: The following shall be the sustainable marketing strategies for the company: Low-cost marketing: Using social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for the advertising purpose shall be very cost effective. Through these social media sites, the company will be able to attract the attention of large number of people both nationally and internationally. These social media sites would prove to be very useful in expanding the business internationally in future. Using electric delivery vehicles: The major highlight of our business shall be the use of electric vehicles for the purpose of delivery. These vehicles shall be environmental friendly and shall help in reducing the carbon emission levels in the atmosphere. Optimizing the website for search engines: The various search engines remain major method of finding any information online. Therefore, we shall optimize our website for search engines especially Google. Attractive app with special discounts to mobile shoppers: An attractive app shall be designed for the smartphones that will allow the users to shop from any place and anytime. This shall add to the convenience. Special discounts shall be offered to the customers who use the app for shopping purpose. This shall indirectly advertise the Easeurshopping app. The Easeurshopping app shall serve as a central location where the customers would get access to place an order, make payments, return products, give feedbacks and lodge complaints and queries. The app shall be compatible with android, windows as well as ios smartphones. A toll free number shall also be provided to the customers so that they can directly contact our executives. The return policies shall be kept simple and convenient for the customers. The organizational structure shall comprise of the Board of Directors, President, Chief executive officer, Finance and Operations manager, IT manager and Sales and marketing manager. In the first year we shall hire 10 employees for various job roles that shall exceed to 40 in the second year and 100 in the third year. The company shall abide by all the local laws and shall commence its operations by the end of 2017. The major highlight of the company shall be that it will be engaged in the recycling of the products purchased from the company app. The customers will be allowed to return the products purchased from the site once they become obsolete or of no use to the customers. The customers will be allowed to post a query related to the return in the comment box of the app. On posting such a query, the company shall call the customers to confirm the return and the deliverymen shall reach out to them and collect the products. The customers who return such products shall be provided with discount coupons for their next purchase. This shall enable sustainable development of the company. The foremost important task is to find a supplier. The company shall allow the local as well as branded retailers to showcase their products through our app. The sales and marketing team shall be responsible for finding interested suppliers and convincing them to sell their products through the company app. A certain percentage of profit shall be charged from the suppliers but the final price of the products shall remain lower to the market price. This shall benefit both supplier and the customer. The finance manager shall be responsible for managing the finances and the human resource manager shall be responsible for hiring potential employees. The managers shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer. Expenses Cost Legal expenses AUD $50000 Development of app and website AUD $100000 Consultant AUD $100000 Advertisement costs AUD $200000 Salaries and wages AUD $500000 Other variable costs AUD $500000 The major risk involved is the fear factor that the e-commerce might go wrong. Another risk is the incapability to develop online strategies. Some massive technological changes can also incur extra costs to the company. The biggest risk involved is the non-acceptance of the customers. Another critical risk is the risk arising from the competitors. Since, setting up an online business is comparatively cheaper than setting up a physical store therefore; it encourages many entrepreneurs to invest in online businesses. Presence of too many competitors is always a potential risk to the similar kind of businesses. Harvest strategy: The company shall issue its shares after reaching the break-even point so that it could invest more for the expansion of the business on an international basis. The company aims to be listed at Australian Securities Exchange within a year of its commencement. This shall ensure the investors of their repayment. Activity Months M May M June M July M August M September M October M November Finalizing the topic Collecting data from secondary sources Forming a layout of the research work Conducting Literature review Forming the research plan Selecting appropriate research methodologies Collecting data from primary sources Analysis of collected data sets Interpretation of collected data sets Concluding the Study Designing a rough draft Submitting the Final Work Figure 1 Time series Gnatt Chart (Source: Authors work) The first month shall be used in selecting the topic using several secondary books and articles. This is the time period when the researcher shall indulge himself in collecting the information and knowledge of the related topic. The second month shall be used completely in researching the chosen topic. The second month shall also be utilized in conducting a suitable literature review. The third month shall be used by the researchers in forming the plan of the research and the steps in which the research shall be conducted. In the fourth month, the primary data is collected. This is the time when the secondary as well as the primary data collected shall be obtained by the researcher. The research process shall continue up to the fifth month. This is the time when proper conclusions can be derived from the research process. Bibliography: Ashraf, A.R., Thongpapanl, N., Menguc, B. and Northey, G., 2016. The Role of M-commerce Readiness in Emerging and Developed Markets.Journal of International Marketing. Barnes, S. and Hunt, B. eds., 2013.E-commerce and v-business. Routledge. Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G. and Rose, E.L., 2014.International business. Pearson Australia. Chitura, T., Mupemhi, S., Dube, T. and Bolongkikit, J., 2015. Barriers to electronic commerce adoption in small and medium enterprises: A critical literature review.The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce,2008. Da Costa, E., 2016.Global e-commerce strategies for small businesses. Mit Press. Flanagin, A.J., Metzger, M.J., Pure, R., Markov, A. and Hartsell, E., 2014. Mitigating risk in ecommerce transactions: perceptions of information credibility and the role of user-generated ratings in product quality and purchase intention.Electronic Commerce Research,14(1), pp.1-23. Gregory, G.D., Ngo, L.V. and Karavdic, M., 2017. Developing e-commerce marketing capabilities and efficiencies for enhanced performance in business-to-business export ventures.Industrial Marketing Management. Grschow, R.M., Kemper, J. and Brettel, M., 2016. How do different payment methods deliver cost and credit efficiency in electronic commerce?.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,18, pp.27-36. Holleschovsky, N.I. and Constantinides, E., 2016. Impact of online product reviews on purchasing decisions. Sathye, M., Prasad, B.C., Sharma, D., Sharma, P. and Sathye, S., 2014. Mobile Value Added Services and Micro Enterprises: Industry Challenges and Policy Barriers in a Small Pacific Island Country. Sohaib, O. and Kang, K., 2014. Cultural aspects of business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce: a comparative analysis of Pakistan and Australia.The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries,61. Sugumaran, V., Yoon, V. and Shaw, M. eds., 2016.E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life: 15th Workshop on e-Business, WEB 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, December 12, 2015, Revised Selected Papers(Vol. 258). Springer.
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