Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis of UK`s income tax provisions relating to antu-avoidance, tax Essay
Analysis of UK`s income tax provisions relating to antu-avoidance, tax planning and tax avoidance - Essay Example The Progressive taxation is said to minimise inequalities in the society as wealthier people has to pay more taxes as compared to less income group thereby offers some aid from the inadequate demand for consumption in capitalist’s economies. As per Keynes, progressive taxation helps to alleviate unemployment. For reaping the greatest benefits, the whole tax system of a nation should follow the progressive taxation system. USA is having highest progressive individual taxes like the federal income tax and death or estate duty .Besides; it is also having a number of regressive taxes like sales taxes levied by the majority of the states and excise duties imposed by the federal government1. A progressive tax system is a system where the average rate of tax increases as income soars. Thus, rich people have to pay heavy taxes whereas poor people have to pay less tax. The ability to pay is the main theme behind the progressive taxation. Thus, rich people are expected to contribute mor e to the national chequer for public spending. The ardent supporters of progressive taxation are of the view that such a tax system is equitable, and that helps to redistribute the income among the society to maintain the equilibrium. Lorenz was the first economist who found that there is a relationship between the cumulative size of income and cumulative size of income receiving components when they are organised in the ascending order of their income as early in 1905. This has been popularly known as the Lorenz curve which is being extensively employed to calculate inequalities of wealth and income in many nations around the world. Lorenz curve is being employed extensively for formulation of public policy. For instance, it can be demonstrated from the scrutiny of Lorenz curve that post-tax income is evenly allocated than that of pre-tax income if the mean rate of taxes soars with the level of income. Moreover, if the tax-income ratio stays constant, inflation does not alter the d istribution of post-tax revenue even if the tax function is altered or shifted every fiscal year. Lorenz curve is also being employed widely to assess poverty2. Progressive tax system also produces fiscal drag impacts and when a nation’s economy is developing rapidly and there are more citizens in work thereby earning salaries and wages and incomes seem to increase faster than prices of commodities thereby pushing citizens into the higher income-tax range and thereby enhancing the aggregate flow of tax income into government exchequers account. This can be explained as a partial automatic stabiliser for the economy as increasing tax receipts is being contributed from citizen’s disposal income. From the table given below, one can understand under the progressive tax system, the less income groups have contributed just ? 263 million by 2460 taxpayers whereas high-income group of just 8 people contributed ? 6,370 million to the UK’s exchequer. â€Å"Regressive Tax System†In the regressive tax system, the higher-income group of a country contributes the lesser share of taxes to the government and whereas poor people of a nation is taxed heavily at higher rates as compared to the higher-income group. Thus, regressive tax system can be said to be just contrary to the progressive t
Monday, October 28, 2019
Poetry changed alongside wider society Essay Example for Free
Poetry changed alongside wider society Essay We learn that Arnold can no longer draw comfort from the sea of faith or religion which encompassed him and like the folds of a bright girdle furled. Instead, the coast and sea is an analogy for religious trend. Christianity is ebbing away because of scientific dispatch. This results is the naked shingles of the world; a place that is unprotected and fragile with no supreme power to guide man. This confusion is emphasized the informality of its structure. The lack of a coherent rhythm and rhyme scheme creates the illusion of tide, But now I only hear, Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Retreating to the breath, which swashes and washes along the coast just like the different line lengths. As we can see, Arnold is hesitant of change and acceptance for him results in apprehension. This is unusual in the sense that, conventionally, acceptance results in peace of mind. Ironically, in gods Grandeur, when Hopkins refutes absolute science, he is more buoyant and cheerful towards which is not the usual characteristics of denial. In the poem, despite the fall of contemporary Victorian society, nature is never spent and permeates the world with the dearest of freshness. Hopkins conveys an image of god being a regenerative force who is able to bring morning following the last lights of the black west. He is defiant of the theory of evolution and instead believes in the holy ghost. Gods Grandeur ends with: World broods with warm breast and with ah! Bright wings. This imagery is inspired with hope and resembles the techniques by Romantic poets where an animal would be used as the vehicle to escape misery; for example the skylark in Keats poem. On the other hand, Dover Beech is not optimistic but instead shares the pessimism associated with poems in the 1900. Arnold depicts the world as a stagnant site with neither joy, nor love nor light. In the last stanza, he talks personally to his wife: Ah, love, let us be true In a place of no faith, Arnold wishes to pin their faith on each other- the language becomes poetic with a series of semantically related adjectives: So various, so beautiful, so new The Victorians lived through a time of change however change in the near future results in neither certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain. This apprehension is felt by Arnold who is swept with confused alarms; the complete antithesis of Hopkins.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Two Model Of Shrm Ulrich Model
Two Model Of Shrm Ulrich Model Strategic Human resource management is generally use to make sure that the organisational has well motivated, perfect in their work and committed staff to achieve their goals and objectives of the company. According to Boxall (1996) to improve the strategic human resource management SHRM for the senior managers you need to hire the more experienced qualified and developing their talent in the organisation through improve their basic skills by training and other courses, There are two model of SHRM Ulrich model and Best Practice model. Ulrich Model: Deve Ulrich is the real hero of the Ulrich model in 1997. Ulrich model of the business partnering is very popular in USA and UK and it has influential impact on these countries. Ulrich model is more aspiration for the upcoming HR professionals. He was the master of the human resource management and by using his model the most benefit was more responsible and flexible organisation in HR and it gives the opportunity to HR professional to become a real impressive business partner. (John Storey 2007) Strategic partner: Strategic partner is about of HR practices, activities and initiatives of the global business management and it is the task of HR management and the HR business partners. Strategic partners give the support to the organisation to expand their self in the world. There is example of Tesco who has their strategic partners in their company. Tesco is the biggest company in the UK and they expand their business and they had open their stores in the different countries in Thailand, China, Indonesia e.g. Simons Groups is the strategic partner for Tesco. Simon group is the construction company and they have  £200M a turnover company. Simons group work as a strategic partner in Tesco and they work with the supermarket chain to plan and deliver a number of products in the next few year including the new big stores and extension in distribution. Simon works in Tesco as a accounts director. Ben Brewerton said it is fantastic to work with the biggest retailer in UK and they ar e looking to our offer line with in the Tesco (Construction of Tesco2009). Change Agent: Change agent plays very important role in the organisation and the Ulrich model. Change agent means that making some changes and transaction of the business of the HR capital. The human resource management is the support for the changing activities in daily routine. Human resource management has to make sure that where the changes need to be done. According L. Bhat (2008) Apple become a change in the market in his all his business areas through his different kinds of invention like i-Pods, i-Phone, i-Macs, i-Pad and many more. They are change agent through his insight thinking and decision power of Steve Jobs who was the CEO of apple 1997 to 2009 Employ Champion: In the HR department the employs champion plays the vital role in the organisation. Employ champion means the leader of the all workers in the organisation. The employ champion needs to make sure that all the employees of the company are happy with their job; they feel secure in the company. The employ champion needs to take care of the employees interest and to protect them from the changes which are going in the organisation. Administration Expert:- Best Practice model: Best practice approach performed very well in each condition and by using the best practice approach it can lift the company in his performance and this model can lead the company as superior (Michel Armstrong 11th edition p.34). In best practice models there are some basic elements which will help the organisation to improve the organisational performance and these are. Employs security. Sophisticated selection. Team working and decentralization. High wages linked to organisational performance. Extensive training. Communications and involvement (Pferrer 1988 p.33). There are seven which HR strategies which are formal training system, performance based compensation, internal career ladder, formal training system, employs job security, employee rights and clear structure of jobs these cane help to increase the organisational performance and the best practice model (Delery and Doty 1996 p.34). Comparison: For the senior managers to ensure that they will choose the right models for the effective human resource management. As compare the two models Ulrich model and best practice model for senior managers the Ulrich model plays very important role in the effective human resource managers strategies. There are some drawbacks in the best practice model although this model can help the managers to increase its organisational performance. This model can cause the breakdown of momentum of teamwork, discipline, this model the best practice model create diversity between the employs and the management. In the best practice models they dont have the unity in their HR strategy management. In this model they just ignore the employs need and they just look after the economic performance (Dr. Ernesto Dimaculangan 2006). So as my point of view the Ulrich model is the best choice for the senior manager for the effective human resource management. In the start the Ulrich model is also calle d four-role model. Basically many of the author said that the four-role model and the three step model is same. The main difference in these to model is three legged model is easy to understand and four-role model is difficult to understand. Ulrich had made his mind to change the model in the simplest form that people and organisation can understand and it is easy to understand (Transact HR 2009. Ken article 2011). Most of the scholar like the Ulrich and model and appreciate this model it is simpler to understand and it is very effective and result oriented but some of the scholar have objection on Ulrich model. Reason for the importance of HRM in organisation: Human resource management plays very important role in the organisation. Organisation cant run without the human resource management. Human resource management help the organisation to set the goals in organisation and tell the procedure to the company how to achieve that on time. According to Ruth Mayhew she describes in his article that there are 10 specific areas for the human resource management and those are (Ruth Mayhew on demand media). Selection: Selection means choose the right person in the right place and the right time to the certain job accomplish. In the Vodafone Company the director of HR department using always the new approaches to managing the employees. The HR department give some responsibilities to their managers that they can select the some good employees for the achievement of the goals. HR Development: HR development means give training, conference, academies, meeting to the employee company for the achievement of the goals. The Vodafone Company focuses more on the training to satisfy the customer need. Vodafone delivers a variety of training through e-tools and e-module on cr. Vodafone is setting a new indicator to identify the number of employees and they have also classroom for the training. They had given the training in all department of the company for the achievement of the goals. Recruitment: It involves attracting the right standard of applicant to apply vacancies. Tesco advertise their vacancies in the different ways. Tesco always look at internal talent plan to fill the vacancies. In the internal talent plan they first look at the current employees within the company. If they didnt get any suitable people talent plan or developing on internal management programme. For the external vacancies they had advertise their vacancies through their own website and through their own store notice board. All the applications are made online for the managerial position. The chosen application has been interviewed followed by the attendance at on assessment centre for the final stage of the selection process. Sometime for the harder department they work hard to find the good applicant such as baker, pharmacist. Tesco advertise extremely through these things. Through their own website. Through offline media. Through television. Through radio Through different magazine Placing advertisement on Google. Employees Satisfaction: HR department has made the god relation with the employees which will make them more effective and improve the performance of the employees to achieve their objectives. Strategy: HR department help to improve the strategy of the organisation by using the different tool like strategic planning. HR improves the strategy for the growth of the business and for achieving the organisation goals. Compensation: HR department has to compensate their employees by different methods like if the company is running out with the short of staff and HR need to give some overtime to their staff and compensate them with the extra wages and pick and drop services. Benefits: HR department can give the benefits to the employees and by giving these benefits they can reduce their cost. HR can give the benefits in shape of increment, bounces and pension. If the HR will not give the benefits to the employees then the employees will de-motivate from this company and look for best offer which is offered from other company. Then the HR has to do recruitment again and it will increase in their expenses. Safety: HR department have to make sure that all the safety measures should be active and maintain in all the time. For the staff the HR department must sure that the employees work in the safe condition and they have a good environment in the working place of the workers. Liability: HR department has a liability to make sure that their employees are working in safe environment. HR department has made sure that their employees are not harassed and no discrimination in the working places. If these thing happen in then the employees will be de-motivate and then it is difficult to achieve their goals. Compliance: HR department has to make sure that all the employees have right documentation of their work. HR department has to compliance with the international employment laws of the country. Explanation and analyses of HRM: The Human Resource Cycle: Rewards Selection Performance Appraisal Training Source: Fombrun Tichy et al (1984) This framework helps the SHRM department to the weak point of the companies. By using this framework they have set their objectives in the companies. This framework has a cycle for HR department which they have to follow in the companies (Michel Armstrong 2003 9th edition P. 22) . Selection: Selection means choose the right person in the right place and the right time to the certain job accomplish. In the Vodafone Company the director of HR department using always the new approaches to managing the employees. The HR department give some responsibilities to their managers that they can select the some good employees for the achievement of the goals. HR Development: HR development means give training, conference, academies, meeting to the employee company for the achievement of the goals. The Vodafone Company focuses more on the training to satisfy the customer need. Vodafone delivers a variety of training through e-tools and e-module on cr. Vodafone is setting a new indicator to identify the number of employees and they have also classroom for the training. They had given the training in all department of the company for the achievement of the goals. Appraisal: Appraisal means how well employees doing job. Vodafone employees are working very hard for the achievement of goals due to training, meeting with the employees, improve the skills of the employees and make them more productivity. Managers also deliver the presentation thats why company built relationship between employees and manager. Reward: Vodafone is using reward system in the company. They have the different bonuses in the company for the different category of workers. By using this reward system the company can go for success employs are more productive and they are more motivated toward their goals. Performance: Performance means if the people work hard and the HR department, appraisal and reward going well the performance of company or people definitely affect all these factors, all of these factors are inter-related if any one effect all other factors will be effective. Explanation of HRM process and how strategies are developed: The human resource process play very important role in the organisation and human resource management help to build a strategy. The human resource process has different method to use in the organisation to make the organisation successful and those are job analyses, job design, recruitment, selection, training, development, performance management, compensation and employ relation. These are the processes which will help the organisation to achieve his mission goals and objectives (Lee Ross and Pryce 2010). 1. Job analyses: According to Susan M. Heathfield job analyses is used to collect the information from the other resources about its responsibilities, necessary skills and outcomes. It evaluate that what are the requirement of the job and what is its description (Susan M. Heathfield In HR process job analyses tells the company what kind of job is needed in the company and what are the requirements 2. Job design: In HR process the job design is the next step after the job analyses. In this job design it indicates individual person responsibilities and the contents how he achieve the objective of the company in his job. 3. Recruitment: It involves attracting the right standard of applicant to apply vacancies. In HR process the recruitment department has to recruit that person who has a ability to achieve the company goals and Selection Training Development Performance management Compensation Employ relation HR strategies: HR strategies plays very important role in organisation and HR strategies tell the organisation what to do with the organisation HR policies and procedures. According to Deer and Reeves says that Internally consistent bundles of human resource practices Richardson and Thompson (1999) says that HR strategies has two main key elements which are they must have their own strategic objectives and they have their action plans of the organisation (Michel Armstrong 10th edition 2006). HR strategies help to implement the program in the organisation and it help in the human resource department to make the decision to achieve the objective of the organisation. Human resource department use the HR strategies to set the objectives of the company and human resource strategies ideas how to achieve their objectives. As Grattan (2000) said the in this world there are no great strategies in this world there are only the great execution plans (Michel Armstrong 10th edition 2006). There are two main HR strategies and these are overarching strategies and specific strategies. Overarching HR Strategy: Overarching HR strategies are mostly use in the business and it is very successful hr strategy. Every company want to be at no 1 position by using this stra tegy. Overarching strategy tells the company what step the company has to taken for the organisation can attract and fulfil the need of the people and the company has to make sure that the employees are motivated committed and engaged for the achievement of their goals. According to Boxall and Purcell (2003) said that if the organisation choose the best employees with the best recruitment process then those employees will give the high performance work system and they will create a well disciplined and friendly environment for work which will help to increase their efficiency. Specific HR Strategy: Specific strategies are used in some places of the organisation which are talent management and continuous management. Talent management: Specific HR strategies use in the talent management and the talent management is looking for the great talent which will help them in make the improvement in required department where they need it. Continuous management: It is usually used in many places of the organisation where the management think that some continuous improvement must be done in these areas. This continuous management help the organisation to improve its performance and make their to be at no. 1 position in the market. Role of SHRM for senior managers: The HR managers have keen role in the effective planning and implementation of the policies and decisions that in tune with the business changes. They should act as strategic partners and be proactive in their role than mere reactive, passive spectators. The HT managers should understand how far their decisions contribute to business surplus incorporating human competency and performance to the organisation. Strategic HR managers need a change in their outlook from seeing themselves as relationship managers to strategic resource managers. Kossek (1987, 1989) argues that major HRM innovations occur when senior management takes the lead and adoption of innovative SHRM practices is dependent on the nature of relationship of the HR Department with the CEO and the line managers. Legge (1978) commenting on the actions of the personnel practitioner in the innovation process suggests that adoption of an innovation by an organization depends largely on HR practitioners credibility with inform ation and resource providers. HR Department and HR managers in these innovative organizations play a strategic role (Ulrich, 1997) linking the HR strategy with the business strategy of the organization. A crucial aspect concerning SHRM is the concepts of fit and flexibility. The degree of fit determines the human resource systems integration with organization strategy. It is the role of HR Managers to ensure this fit in between Human Resource System with the Organization Strategy. Conclusion: In writing an article the success of your business is through the effective use of human resource management. There are Ulrich models best practice model, framework and the process of SHRM and the roles by using these tools the senior manager can use the effective human resource management. Task 2 Case study BA has a big problem from last few years with their staff relation problem especially in cabin crew dispute and they have done the strikes. According to Steve Turner unite national aviation officer said Day by day the cabin crew and the deck staff relationship is going worst. BA hired the 1000 volunteer flights attended although they had already strong staff. Willie Walsh is the chief executive of the BA he hired the volunteer air craft, rival airlines, flight attend and volunteer crew member who help the passengers to drop them on their destination. While the strikes are going on they didnt reach to any decision and they had stop talking about this problem (Dan Milmo transport correspondent). Task 2 A: After dispute in the British airways staff and the crew member there are four HR strategies which will help to finish the dispute in cabin crew member. Employees Engagement Employees Retention Employees Development Employees Empowerment Task 2: British Airways merged with Iberia in 2011. Analyse the impact of the merger on strategic HRM at British Airways. There are some of the impacts of merger which are as under: Reduction of Cost: With the merger of these two companies both are enjoying the reduction in cost of operations. It is quite obvious when there is no merger; both of them are incurring some of the fix and variable cost to achieve their objectives but after merger there is no need of duplication of costs. They both can share the resources of each others. Better portfolio: With the help of merger the company has bigger and better portfolio with increase in the number of aeroplanes. Increase in aeroplanes ultimately means that more flights throughout the world. The coverage of flights has also become bigger as they now cover more than 200 destination worldwide and carry over 60 million passenger a year. Improved customer service: In the event of merger the level of customer service increases as these both companies have altogether different cultural values. As a matter of fact the reason behind merger is to grow bigger and this is not possible with the improvement in customer care, therefore to get more business and attracting more customers is only possible with the improved customer service. Combined head abilities/skills: Before the merger both of them have got limited skills and expertise but after merger this goes bigger and they both can enjoy the expertise of each other. For example if the administrative services are better with British Airways than Spanish Airlines, than they can just rely on BA for administrative services. While on the other hand if the Spanish Airlines are better than BA in cabin crew members and technical team, then they will leave these sorts of services for SA and enjoy the specialised services. There are some of the cultural differences which have the impact on the strategic HRM as under: The organisations in UK have the flat hierarchical structure where the gap between managers and workers or employees is very small. Managers directly involve themselves to help out the employees or give direct coaching or supervision. On the other side Spanish companies have a hierarchical structure where the manger plays a parental role. Communication plays very important role in any organisation and communication styles differ from country to country which is very confusing for the other country. Such as British people use indirect language where the Spanish use direct language and express what exactly they are trying to say. It is well known in any trade that those who avail risk enjoy the success and in this merger both the nations have different views about taking risk. British are risk takers and the Spanish are risk aversive. It is very big cultural difference which some time creates big problems in making decisions. It is the precious element in any organisation. This is anot her cultural difference between the both nations. British respect the deadlines and stick to agendas whilst the counterparts reschedule their deadlines. From the studies of both the cultures it is concluded that it is very important to know the demographic characteristics of both the countries before undertaking the mergers and acquisitions. More than 60% of the mergers and acquisitions become unsuccessful because of the lack of studies in cultural differences. Awareness about these characteristic is even more important than PESTEL analysis. To overcome this problem or to reduce the chances of failure cross-cultural training courses could be arranged before the merger to make it more successful. Biblography: Armstrong 2009 11th edition CIPD Book Strategic HRM July 2012 (sited on 23/10/2012) John Storey 2007 HR Advice Website Sited on (23/10/12) Construction news for Tesco 2009 (sited on 23/10/2012) L. Bhat on his smoking apple article on 2008 (sited on 23/10/12) Transact HR 2009. Ken article 2011 Ruth Mayhew on demand media (sited on 28/10/2012) Michel Armstrong Human Resource Management Practice 2003 9th edition P. 22 Lee Ross and Pryce book Human resource and Tourism 2010 Susan M. Heathfield (sited on 30/10/2012) Michel Armstrong A handbook of human resource management practice 10th edition 2006 task 2 Dan Milmo transport correspondent publish on the Guardian march 2010 (sited on 10/11/2012) task 2 b Communiciad Blog Sited on (15/11/2012)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
John F. Kennedy Essay -- essays research papers
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917, the second oldest in a family of nine children. His great grandparents had come to the United States from Ireland in the mid-1800s after a food shortage caused severe poverty in that country. Although their families had not come to the United States with much money, both of John Kennedy's grandfathers became political leaders in Boston. One of them, John Fitzgerald, was elected mayor in 1905. John Kennedy's father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy became a very wealthy businessman, an adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the United States Ambassador to Great Britain from 1938 to 1940. John Kennedy moved to New York when he was ten years old. Since the family spent the summer months at their home in Hyannis, Cape Cod, Jack still lived a good part of his life in Massachusetts. After graduating from the Choate School in Connecticut in 1935, he went on to Harvard College and graduated in 1940. That same year he wrote a best-selling book, Why England Slept, about some of the decisions which led to World War II. In 1941, John Kennedy joined the Navy. He became the commander of a small "PT" boat assigned to the battle in the Pacific against the Japanese. One night, while on patrol, Kennedy's boat was rammed by a large enemy ship. Two men in a crew of thirteen were killed, and the rest swam to a nearby deserted island. They managed to survive, mostly by eating coconuts, until they were rescued a week later. After World War II, John Kennedy had to choose the kind of work he wanted to do. He considered becoming a teacher or a writer but soon decided to run for political office. In 1946, he was elected to the U.S. Congress, representing a district in greater Boston. Kennedy, a Democrat, served three terms in the House of Representatives, and in 1952 he was elected to the U.S. Senate. In 1953, he married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. The following year he had a serious operation on his back. While recovering from surgery, he wrote a book about several U.S. senators who had risked their careers to fight for the things in which they believed. The book, called Profiles in Courage, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for biography in 1957. That same year, the Kennedy's first child, Caroline, was born. Kennedy had narrowly missed being picked as the Democratic Party's candidate for Vice President... ...edy, and that he and Ruby were part of a conspiracy. None of these theories has ever been proven. President Kennedy's death caused enormous sadness and grief among all Americans. Most people still remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news of the murder. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Washington for the President's funeral, and millions throughout the world watched it on television. As the years have gone by and other Presidents have written their chapters in history, John Kennedy's brief time in office stands out in people's memories--for his leadership, personality, and accomplishments. Many respect his coolness when faced with difficult decisions--like what to do about the missiles in Cuba. Others admire his ability to inspire people with his articulate speeches. Still others think his compassion and his willingness to fight for new government programs to help the poor, the elderly and the ill were most important. Like all leaders, John Kennedy made mistakes, but he was always hopeful about the future. He believed that people could solve their common problems if they put their country's interests first and worked together.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Explored by Mary Shelly’s Novel Frankenstein Essay
The morals and views explored by Shelly display those of modern days in so much as how they are portrayed, and societies reaction towards these issues. In Shelly’s novel ‘Frankenstein’, people’s reactions are very similar to those of modern society. The attributes that people have to be susceptible to in society to try to avoid being an outcast are alike those of modern day society. People are still narrow-minded and nai ve to anything that is unusual or stands out of context with society. The novel is not set in a specific era of time; this is done deliberately to create a sense of mystery. Also I believe that this displays the belief of Shellys, that the opinions that were existent to anything different in Shelly’s time would be existent for years to come as these are traits of society itself they are not exclusive to a period of time or a gender, just society as a whole. The Novel starts with letters from Sir Walton, to his sister; this gives us an insight into the emotions and ambitions of Walton. This automatically will embrace any reader to continue throughout the book, the natural curiosity of human nature will make the audience want to discover more about the subject (In this case Sir Walton). This opening has the same effect on a reader as a personal diary would. Once the reader has read the letters they feel they have a bond and an understanding of the character, this is an effective weapon used by Shelly because when the story begins the reader can comprehend the feelings of Walton and will want him to succeed but will also realise the sufferings of the crew, â€Å"This breeze, which has travelled from the region towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climbs. †Letter 1 Pg15 This is just one example of Walton’s ambition; any audience would find this want of success and fame commendable. If Shelly did not include these letters his actions would be view as arrogance. This entices the reader as they will try to relate to this situation and will ask themselves what actions they would take if they were in a similar situation. The reader will also acknowledge that there are no specific dates set for these letters of this novel alone. This is done for a few reasons, a practical reason is that if Shelly does not limit herself to a certain time period then she is able to create certain advances in technology that if combined with others may stretch over many time periods yet in this novel are related together. It also implies that Shelly intended this novel to appeal to readers for many years to come, not just her era. This method alone displays Shelly’s unique ability to appeal to any vast audience.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
African American Literature essays
African American Literature essays In his Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man, James Weldon Johnson explores the meaning of "passing" in an American society. The reader never learns the name of the narrator in the novel, but you learn that its of little importance. The crisis throughout the novel centers on the narrator discovering his identity. At times the narrator regrets his failure to the black race, he says, I am an ordinary white man who has made a little money. They are men who are making history and a race. (p.861) But this uncertainty is the heart of the novel, classifying human beings merely by the color of skin is impulsive and arbitrary. While revealing his decision, the ex-colored man disregards his black race and misrepresents his strong uniqueness. There are many causes that lead to his development to pass. (All subsequent quotations come from The Norton Anthology, African American Literature.) There are many causes that may have led the central character to pass; one example reflects on his upbringing. His mother tells him, "The best blood of the South is in you," (p.784) when the narrator asks whom his father is. Clearly, his mother was proud of (and perhaps still in love with) this genteel white man who gave her a son. His pretty and intelligent mother, his sole parent, made her way in the world by connecting her destiny to that of a white man's. From this, the central character saw the love his mother had for a white man. So the central characters audacious decisions make much sense in light of his past. He was told of his fathers proud standing and scholarly accomplishments. This influenced the idea onto the character, that in order to be successful and content you must be white. The central character dreams of, "bringing glory and honor to the Negro race." (p.788) But in reality, he surrenders to the more self-serving choice of passing and neglects his bla ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Brosimum alicastrum, The Ancient Maya Breadnut Tree
Brosimum alicastrum, The Ancient Maya Breadnut Tree The breadnut tree (Brosimum alicastrum) is an important species of tree that grows in the wet and dry tropical forests of Mexico and Central America, as well as in the Caribbean Islands. Also known as the ramà ³n tree, asli or Cha Kook in the Mayan language, the breadnut tree usually grows in regions that are between 300 and 2,000 meters (1,000-6,500 feet) above sea level. The fruits have a small, elongated shape, similar to apricots, although they are not particularly sweet. The seeds are edible nuts which can be ground and used in porridge or for flour. The Breadnut Tree and the Maya The breadnut tree is one of the dominant species of plants in the tropical Maya forest. Not only its density very high around ancient ruined cities, particularly in the Guatemalan Petà ©n, but it can reach a height of around 40 m (130 ft), producing abundant yields and with several harvests possible in one year. For this reason, it is often still planted by modern Maya near their homes. The widespread presence of this tree near ancient Maya cities has been explained variously as: The trees could be the result of a human-manicured or even deliberately-managed tree farming (agro-forestry). If so, it is likely that the Maya first simply avoiding cutting the trees down, and then eventually replanted breadnut trees near their habitations so that now they propagate more easilyIt is also possible that the breadnut tree simply grows well in the limestone soils and rubble fill near ancient Maya cities, and the residents took advantage of thatThe presence could also be the result of small animals such as bats, squirrels, and birds which eat the fruits and seeds and facilitate their dispersion in the forest The Breadnut Tree and Maya Archaeology The role of the breadnut tree and its importance in ancient Maya diet has been at the center of many debates. In the 1970s and 80s, archaeologist Dennis E. Puleston (son of the famous environmentalist Dennis Puleston), whose unfortunate and untimely death prevented him from further developing his research on breadnut and other Mayan subsistence studies, was the first to hypothesize the importance of this plant as a staple crop for the ancient Maya. During his research at the site of Tikal in Guatemala, Puleston recorded a particularly high concentration of this tree around the house mounds compared to other species of trees. This element, along with the fact that the breadfruit seeds are particularly nutritious and high in proteins, suggested to Puleston that the ancient inhabitants of Tikal, and by extension of other Maya cities in the forest, relied on this plant as much as or perhaps even more than on maize. But Was Puleston Right? Furthermore, in later studies Puleston demonstrated that its fruit can be stored for many months, for example in subterranean chambers called chultuns, in a climate where fruit usually rots rapidly. However, more recent research has significantly decreased the role and importance of breadnut in the ancient Maya diet, defining it instead as an emergency food source in case of famine, and linking its unusual abundance near ancient Maya ruins to environmental factors more than human intervention. Sources This glossary entry is a part of the guide to Mesoamerica , and the Dictionary of Archaeology and the guide to Plant Domestication. Harrison PD, and Messenger PE. 1980. Obituary: Dennis Edward Puleston, 1940-1978. American Antiquity 45(2):272-276. Lambert JDH, and Arnason JT. 1982. Ramon and Maya Ruins: An Ecological, not an Economic, Relation. Science 216(4543):298-299. Miksicek CH, Elsesser KJ, Wuebber IA, Bruhns KO, and Hammond N. 1981. Rethinking Ramon: A Comment on Reina and Hills Lowland Maya Subsistence. American Antiquity 46(4):916-919. Peters CM. 1983. Observations on Maya Subsistence and the Ecology of a Tropical Tree. American Antiquity 48(3):610-615. Schlesinger V. 2001, Animals and Plants of the Ancient Maya. A Guide. Austin: University of Texas Press Turner BL, and Miksicek CH. 1984. Economic Plant Species Associated with Prehistoric Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands. Economic Botany 38(2):179-193 Updated by K. Kris Hirst
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Theoretical Background on Spending Habits Essays
Theoretical Background on Spending Habits Essays Theoretical Background on Spending Habits Paper Theoretical Background on Spending Habits Paper Students all over the world spend in several different ways, but close market research on student spending indicates that there are several common patterns that can be seen. Spending habits in adolescents is changing drastically in the last few years, but that change is almost uniform in all the metros of the world. Commercialization has begun targeting students spending habits a very long time ago. IFIM Students Lifestyle and Spending Habits , 2009) According to a study conducted by a bank and financial institution, youths fork over money to buy cellphone load, to play computer games at Internet cafes and to buy cigarettes and alcohol. They also spend money on going out and on clothes and accessories. (TJ Manotoc, ABS-CBN News, 2010) Teens hang out and shop. Teens are active consumers in terms of the money they spend, as well as in the influence they wield in their families and on societal trends. Despite being raised in a period of rapid change, they display a remarkable self-confidence in their judgment. (Tempo, 2010) A lot of the number of students seem to wants what is the â€Å"in†trend, what people are doing or using â€Å"right now†. Most teens will usually have one or two sources of income, either allowance from their parents or a job. The answer to this question isnt found by looking at the income of the family or social status, its more a way of living and rearing that the parents have given their children. Felipe, 2007) â€Å"Despite the Filipino teens’ having limited budget to spend, low price does not necessarily make any brand a shoo-in for their patronage,†explained Ming Barcelona, TNS Philippines Associate Research Director. â€Å"The TRU study reminds us the mindsets, preferences and purchasing habits of Filipino teens, whether on brand values, the latest product offerings, or on values and social issues should not be ignored,†added Gary de Ocampo, TNS Philippines Managing Director.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Understanding customers- analysing customers using mosaic Essay
Understanding customers- analysing customers using mosaic - Essay Example Understanding customers- analysing customers using mosaic It helps to increase customer loyalty and thereby thwarts customers from switching to the products offered by other companies. Mosaic UK is a useful tool utilised by many companies to develop their segmentation strategy based on the consumer classifications provided in the Mosaic profile system. First of all a detailed analysis of the Mosaic profile system developed by Experian plc is presented in this study. Next this study would include analysis of information reports prepared by Experian related to three retailers operating their business operations in United Kingdom. The customer profiling related to each of the three retailers would be compared to have an idea about its impact on the different marketing strategies followed by the organisations. Segmentation of customers is an important marketing strategy followed by the business organisations and its importance has also been included in this study. Next this report takes help of a case study for suggesting some consumer marketi ng ideas for some fashion retailers who might be interested to target a specific Mosaic Group. Experian plc has developed a system which helps in classification of the households in UK and has been named as Mosaic UK. It is a type of geo-demographic segmentation system which is available commercially. Consumer classification reports prepared through Mosaic UK are helpful in understanding the Behaviour, demographics and lifestyles followed by all the households and individuals present in UK. Understanding the consumer behaviour patterns in different parts of UK is critical to the success of any organisation because it helps the companies to develop products that best satisfy the particular needs and requirements of the customers. Mosaic UK is helpful to the organisations in three ways: The companies are able to increase the values of its customers through in-depth understanding of the behavioural patterns of their customers in UK The value of a particular location in which a company targets to sell its products is also increased through the development of proper marketing mix u sing information from Mosaic UK Mosaic UK is also helpful in assessing the risks associated with investing in a particular location in UK Thus Mosaic UK developed by Experian is thus an important tool to segment and classify consumers in UK based on various characterising features. The latest version of Mosaic UK that is available in the market now helps in classification of consumers present in UK into 67 different types which are spread over 15 distinct groups of people (Experian Mosaic, 2010). A brief overview of each of the 15 groups of people identified through Mosaic UK is given below: Group A: Alpha Territory – This type of group comprises of the most influential and wealthy individuals staying in UK. Group B: Professional Rewards – The managerial and executive classes of people are categorised in this group. Group C: Rural Solitude – This type of group includes people living in isolated cottages and small villages in UK. Group D: Small Town Diversity â⠂¬â€œ This type of group are classified as people living in small and medium sized towns in UK. Group E: Active Retirement – This group of people are aged over 65 years and are spending their
Friday, October 18, 2019
Processing of Pre-MicroRNA to MicroRNA Research Paper
Processing of Pre-MicroRNA to MicroRNA - Research Paper Example Thus, the paper will also discuss the five activities of the processing of pre-MicroRNA into MicroRNA (Grosshans & Slack, 2002, pp.17-19). In the study involving photogenic elements, scientists normally use samples from animals before testing their results on human beings. In most biochemical laborites, one would find mice especially the Drosophila, Arabidopsis, and elegans type. These animals provide some useful biochemical samples, which scientists study to inform on certain biological and biochemical issues. Just like human beings, mice also have microRNA. Through cloning and sequencing, scientists extract microRNA for study purposes. Various studies have shown that both human beings and mice have over two hundred to three hundred inimitable microRNA genes. The studies also explain that in organisms, human beings and mice included, microRNAs are homologous in nature. Consequently, this is a clear indication that microRNAs play significant roles by representing comparatively old and essential regulatory pathways (Gallo et al., 2006, pp.6156-6159). As seen above, the genome hosts pre-MicroRNA and other photogenic elements. Within the genome, sequence encoding of microRNA takes place. However, since there are mechanisms that control microRNA expression, the encoding of microRNA will involve only known genes. In most cases, these genes occur in various flimsy locations within the human chromosomes, and one of the chief characteristic about them their independently transcription shape. It is imperative to note that the primary microRNA transcripts (pre-microRNA) are the ones that encode strands of microRNA. In general, such encoding produces the microRNAs that have the same orientation as pre-microRNA. Clearly, this is an indication that there is a microRNA promoter, which is responsible for such transcriptions. In most cases, the genome stores microRNA genes, and here, these genes appear in form of cluster.
Public International Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Public International Law - Coursework Example The paper throws light on international laws, the laws which govern the relations of states and the global community in general. Fiore discusses that the goal of international law is to evaluate and establish international rights and duties which must be fulfilled by all members of the international community. Its goal is also to establish the legal rules which are applicable to these rights and duties and the legal remedies available to ensure compliance. For this reason, it is therefore important to establish first which the subjects and persons who are to enjoy and lay claim to these rights and duties. There are various subjects and objects of international law, and the most common of these are the states. A state, as defined by Article 1 of Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, is an entity possessing of the four elements: permanent population, defined territory, government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. In order for a state to be considered as such – and therefore entitled to the rights and burdened with the responsibilities of international law – it must fulfil these requirements of statehood. The first element of statehood is a permanent population. There is no actual minimum numerical requirement for state population, only that it must be permanent; and by permanent, it means that the people must have an intention to occupy a territory permanently. The population must also be big enough to ensure the smooth implementation of policies and manageable enough for the state to govern. The state must also have a defined territory with its boundaries defined and occupied by its population. This state must also have a government. A government includes executive, legislative, and executive functions which help promote the smooth management of political processes5. Such a state must also be sovereign and independent; in other words, not subject to the whims or control of other states6. Lastly, a stat e is also one which has the ability to enter into relations with other states. This capacity is based on the existence of the government and of sovereignty and independence. Thereupon, control of an entity by another state or political entity would likely negate independence, and would also negate the capacity to enter into relations with other states7. An entity fulfilling the above elements would be subject to international rights and responsibilities. These states would therefore have the right to self-determination, or the right to be free of any territorial changes which would be against their political mandates8. It also refers to the right to be free of interference in their political and economic activities. This right is based on prohibitions imposed as a means of establishing distance from the practice of colonialism and imperialism which used to dominate human history. A state is therefore subject to various rights and responsibilities. In general, a state would have the competence to carry out acts in the international arena, enter into and make treaties, as well as similar agreements9. These states are also â€Å"exclusively competent with respect to their internal affairs-â€Å"exclusive†means plenary and not subject to control by other States†10. Crawford also discusses that states cannot be subjected to international processes and activities without their express consent11. They are also considered as entities which stand on equal ground12. These rights and responsibilities govern international relations and violations of these responsibilities would make a state liable and subject to international laws and policies. Non-state entities, like Kosovo, Somalia, and Taiwan, do not enjoy these same rights and are not dealt with as states. For example Taiwan cannot enter into a treaty with another state,
Coursework in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Coursework in Economics - Essay Example given that the price remains constant, the demand curve may shift upwards or downward, some of the reasons why the demand curve shifts include a change in future price expectations, consumers may opt to purchase more today to avoid high prices in the future or purchase less to purchase at low prices in the future, (Hardwick (2002)). The following table shows an example of downward shift and upward shift in demand: From the above diagram assuming that demand curve 0 is the original demand curve, a downward shift in the demand curve will shift the demand curve to demand curve 1 while an upward shift will shift the demand curve to demand curve 2. A shift in supply curve occurs when the quantity supplied increases or decreases given that the price remains constant, the supply curve may shift upwards or downward, (Hardwick (2002)). The following table shows a downward and upward shift in supply: From the above diagram assuming that supply curve 0 is the original demand curve, a downward shift in the supply curve will shift the supply curve to supply curve 2 while an upward shift will shift the supply curve to supply curve 1. Own price elasticity of demand refers to the percentage change in quantity demanded when the price is increased by one percent. Therefore it is calculated by dividing the percentage change in the quantity demanded by the percentage change in price level. For a normal good own price elasticity of demand is negative. (Walter (2000)) Own price elasticity of supply refers to the percentage change in quantity supplied when the price is increased by one percent. Therefore it is calculated by dividing the percentage change in the quantity supplied by the percentage change in price level. (Walter (2000)) The price of oil is determined by the supply and the demand of oil in the world. Some of the major producers include Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. From the oil price chart it is evident that the fluctuations in oil prices has been as a result of war and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Summery Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Summery - Article Example This has raised question concerning the superiority of each strand of paradigm to another. This diverts attention of the main issues which are: activities to be included in requirements engineering, what institutes a requirement, and issue that need more attention. Requirements engineering activities involves the incorporation of standard mechanisms in fashions that are advanced instead of persisting with the exercise of reinventing the constituents themselves. What constitutes a requirement explains the complete statement of what the system will do without regarding to how it will do it. To understand this we should differentiate functional and non-functional requirements. Issues that are fundamental include: backing-up market-driven inventors, ranking requirements according to desirability and necessity, integration of design artifacts, accessibility of requirements methods and tools, and coping with incompleteness. For effective management of these requirements we should seek to avoid common mistakes like underestimating the cost of the shifting requirements, discovering wrong requirements when it is too late, lack of understanding the main user needs and problems, and lack of communication of urgencies and status to the team. The main objective for requirements engineering is to narrow the gap between research and
What is Virtue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
What is Virtue - Essay Example The Meno asserts that virtues share a unit form, compelling individuals to work towards a specific goal: the wellbeing of the individual and the city (72c7, 72d8, and 72e5). Subsequently, the Meno attributes an excellent person as one characterized by the virtue of doing noble deeds. The Meno attributes noble deeds as activities meant to do good to the individual himself and the city. This stipulates that an excellent person is one who would chooses the noble over the ignoble, even though it entails sacrificing his will for what is ideally good and benefits the greater society. Virtues are evidenced by an individual’s ability to sacrifice for the greater good (77b2-b5). Additionally, Meno agrees with Socrates that virtue is prudence and knowledge. He affirms that an excellent person is one who has the knowledge and can tell apart what is right from what is wrong. Consequently, an excellent person is one who is prudent, exhibiting caution in his activities (89a3-5, c2-4). Aristotle defines a virtue as a mean. He outlines that an excellent person is characterized by the ability to steer between two extreme points. Aristotle asserts that the ability to arrive at the mean is pleasant for any excellent person and it is not aimed at causing him pain (1120a27-28). He attributes this mean as an attribute of an excellent person who depicts courage by avoiding too fearful and consequently not engaging in fearful events. He attributes an excellent person as one who maintains his temper by not being extremely angry, but getting angry enough (1106a26-28 and 1106b20). In conjunction, Aristotle documents that the goals of a person’s behavior are for either his own good or the greater good depending on the circumstance that the individual was faced with. Activities, which their goodness depends upon circumstances (external goods), are stipulated by Aristotle as wealth, friendship, strength, honor,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Coursework in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Coursework in Economics - Essay Example given that the price remains constant, the demand curve may shift upwards or downward, some of the reasons why the demand curve shifts include a change in future price expectations, consumers may opt to purchase more today to avoid high prices in the future or purchase less to purchase at low prices in the future, (Hardwick (2002)). The following table shows an example of downward shift and upward shift in demand: From the above diagram assuming that demand curve 0 is the original demand curve, a downward shift in the demand curve will shift the demand curve to demand curve 1 while an upward shift will shift the demand curve to demand curve 2. A shift in supply curve occurs when the quantity supplied increases or decreases given that the price remains constant, the supply curve may shift upwards or downward, (Hardwick (2002)). The following table shows a downward and upward shift in supply: From the above diagram assuming that supply curve 0 is the original demand curve, a downward shift in the supply curve will shift the supply curve to supply curve 2 while an upward shift will shift the supply curve to supply curve 1. Own price elasticity of demand refers to the percentage change in quantity demanded when the price is increased by one percent. Therefore it is calculated by dividing the percentage change in the quantity demanded by the percentage change in price level. For a normal good own price elasticity of demand is negative. (Walter (2000)) Own price elasticity of supply refers to the percentage change in quantity supplied when the price is increased by one percent. Therefore it is calculated by dividing the percentage change in the quantity supplied by the percentage change in price level. (Walter (2000)) The price of oil is determined by the supply and the demand of oil in the world. Some of the major producers include Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. From the oil price chart it is evident that the fluctuations in oil prices has been as a result of war and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
What is Virtue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
What is Virtue - Essay Example The Meno asserts that virtues share a unit form, compelling individuals to work towards a specific goal: the wellbeing of the individual and the city (72c7, 72d8, and 72e5). Subsequently, the Meno attributes an excellent person as one characterized by the virtue of doing noble deeds. The Meno attributes noble deeds as activities meant to do good to the individual himself and the city. This stipulates that an excellent person is one who would chooses the noble over the ignoble, even though it entails sacrificing his will for what is ideally good and benefits the greater society. Virtues are evidenced by an individual’s ability to sacrifice for the greater good (77b2-b5). Additionally, Meno agrees with Socrates that virtue is prudence and knowledge. He affirms that an excellent person is one who has the knowledge and can tell apart what is right from what is wrong. Consequently, an excellent person is one who is prudent, exhibiting caution in his activities (89a3-5, c2-4). Aristotle defines a virtue as a mean. He outlines that an excellent person is characterized by the ability to steer between two extreme points. Aristotle asserts that the ability to arrive at the mean is pleasant for any excellent person and it is not aimed at causing him pain (1120a27-28). He attributes this mean as an attribute of an excellent person who depicts courage by avoiding too fearful and consequently not engaging in fearful events. He attributes an excellent person as one who maintains his temper by not being extremely angry, but getting angry enough (1106a26-28 and 1106b20). In conjunction, Aristotle documents that the goals of a person’s behavior are for either his own good or the greater good depending on the circumstance that the individual was faced with. Activities, which their goodness depends upon circumstances (external goods), are stipulated by Aristotle as wealth, friendship, strength, honor,
Show how Shakespeare employs tensions Essay Example for Free
Show how Shakespeare employs tensions Essay The Merchant of Venice can be seen as a series of tense oppositions. Shakespeare writes about many conflicting issues that were controversial at the time, but does not enforce any opinion on the audience, inviting them to form their own conclusions. The contrasts in The Merchant of Venice are important because they incite the audience to consider moral issues such as prejudice, discrimination and bigotry. Shakespeare creates the characters with the intention of relating them to the common person; the sins and discrepancies in their lives are typical of the everyday goings on in Venice at the time. I will consider love and hate, comedy and tragedy, justice and mercy, expectations versus reality and finally men against women. All of the oppositions are linked to the concerns of Shakespeares audience. This means that Judaism, for example, was a concern and also hatred to Shakespeares audience. The play was consequently very eye-catching and appealing to the people of Shakespeares time. The Merchant of Venice is a story of love and hate, and both emotions are expressed powerfully in the play. On the one hand the play appears to be full of love and friendship: Portia and Bassanio; Jessica and Lorenzo; Gratiano and Nerissa. However, bitterness and hatred are evident: Gratianos reviling of Shylock; Shylocks coldness towards his daughter and hatred of Antonio. Shylock sees himself as a victim of prejudice and maintains himself with his own aggression. The play is renowned for the bitter conflict between Jews and Christians. It appears that the main difference between the Christian characters and Shylock is that the Christian characters value human relationships over business ones, whereas Shylock is only interested in money (. Merchants like Antonio lend money free of interest, and put themselves at risk for those they love, whereas Shylock agonizes over the loss of his money and once ran through the streets crying, O, my ducats! O, my daughter! (II. viii. 15). These words suggest that his greed outweighs his love. However, his insistence that he have a pound of flesh rather than any amount of money also shows that his resentment is much stronger than his greed. Portia and Bassanio appear to love one another, however, Bassanio seeks her hand in the first place because he is greatly in debt and needs her money. The love between these two characters is therefore questionable and emphasises the love and hate oppositions. The themes are also emphasised in the settings of the play, Belmont symbolising love and Venice symbolising hate. The Merchant of Venice is set in Italy in Venice and Belmont, representing the two worlds of the play. Shakespeare uses these two settings to emphasise the themes of love and hate. Love is centred in Belmont, a peaceful paradise to which lovers can escape, and hate around Venice, a hectic place that exploits and corrupts. This can clearly be seen when various events relating to love and hate in the play take place. All prejudicial activity takes place in Venice, including the trial (IV. i. 15). This is also the only place where Jews are found (Jessica becomes a Christian when she moves to Belmont). The Christian couples live in Belmont, and there is hardly any talk of racial prejudice there. Belmont is where the Christians retreat to, after their triumph over Shylock in Venice. The surroundings match the events that are taking place in both Venice and Belmont. Shakespeare often included the themes of love and hate in his plays, either as the main plot, or as a sub plot as such in The Merchant of Venice. Love and hate are the central themes of the main plot they hold the story together. Many of Shakespeares plays are also centred on the themes of comedy and tragedy. The Merchant of Venice is a prime example. Shakespeare uses cross-dressing as a device to lay emphasis on the theme of comedy. The characters conceal themselves behind masks and costumes, which links with the topic of appearance versus reality. Twice in the play, brave escapes are carried out with the help of cross-dressing. Jessica escaped the hell of Shylocks house by dressing as a page, while Portia and Nerissa rescued Antonio by posing as lawyers of the court. This device was essential to the women characters since it was forbidden for them to act on stage in the Renaissance period. Their parts had to be consequently acted by young boys. This was common in Shakespeares time. Another debatable comedy moment is when Lancelot greets his blind, long lost father and gives him confusing directions and tells him that his beloved son Lancelot is dead. Lancelot says aside I will try confusions with him (II. ii. 25) the moment they meet. Since Lancelot is portrayed as a comical, clownish figure that is especially skilled at making jokes, this scene transmits a humorous tone. But deep down this moment could be considered harsh and unjust. It should be considered a joke but at someone elses expense. The play seems to end on a happy note, with the resolution of the test of the rings and the celebration of marriage. But many tragedies also occur in the play, some of which contrast greatly to the happiness. For example the joyful wedding of Portia and Bassanio in act 3 scene 2 is suddenly followed by a change of mood as Bassanio reads Antonios bad news. The atmosphere of joy and triumph gives way to one of tension and concern. Bassanio turns pale as he says, Here are a few of the unpleasantst words that ever blotted paper (III. ii. 250). Another darker aspect of the play occurs when Shylock is baited at the trial. Gratiano viciously abuses Shylock, saying O, be thou damnd, inexecrable dog (IV. i. 127). Another central theme of the play is that of justice: the right, proper and fair treatment of individuals according to what they deserve. The idea of mercy is important in The Merchant of Venice because it provides a focus for the contrast between Venetian Christian society and the alien invader, represented by Shylock. When Shylock asks Portia what could possibly force him to be merciful, Portias long reply, beginning with the words, The quality of mercy is not strained, (IV. i. 179) clarifies what the Christians believe. The Christian characters in the scene believe that justice and mercy are not separate but must be linked. Shylock receives judgement at the trial however he does not receive justice. This is due to the extreme prejudice of Jews at Shakespeares time. Shakespeare therefore employs this opposition to highlight the conflicting principals and prejudices of the time. The Merchant of Venice shows the danger of judging by appearances. This is not only a theme but also a moral of the story. Lancelot is a Christian and should hate Jews, but instead he is a trustworthy friend to Jessica, a Jewish girl. This is because he sees her as a nice and gentle young woman and comments, most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew (II. iii. 10). Jessica trusts Lancelot since she gives him a private letter to take to Lorenzo. This friendship must have been conflicting to the prejudices of the time and is therefore a key factor of the theme. All that glitters is not gold (II. vii. 65). This is a famous quote from The Merchant of Venice and symbolises the theme of deception. This theme of deception is used throughout the play to mislead and confuse so things may not always be what they seem. Shakespeare also uses this to enhance the unfolding drama of the play and to make it more exciting. Dramatic irony is created when the audience know more than the characters themselves. For example the trial scene (Act IV) and the ring quarrel (Act V) are filled with amusing dramatic irony. The cross-dressing, as mentioned earlier, is also linked with appearances versus reality since it happens at times when disguise is important. The three female characters disguise themselves as males in the play. Portia and Nerissa conceal themselves as lawyers clerks in the trial scene whereas Jessica disguises herself as a page in order to flee from her master. Cross-dressing is important in the play because women roles are insignificant to those of men. For women, cross-dressing is a means of gaining respect and authority. The main events in the play unfold when women are in control. This is conflicting to the principals of the time. Venice and Belmont are both ruled by patriarchy. This means that men have complete control whereas women have no role at all in trade, politics, or law. It is also evident that they cannot even own property because Portia says, One half of me is yours, the other half yours, mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, and so all yours (III. ii. 16). Portia has an interest in the law, but has to resort to dressing up as a man before she can exercise her ability. Portias speech dramatically changes to suit her role as a man in the trial scene. However she continues with this attitude even after the trial is over and says, You were to blame, I must be plain with you, (V. i. 166). This emphasises the predominant influence of men over women. Throughout The Merchant of Venice there are many strong feelings displayed through the oppositions and conflicts. These contrasts are relevant because they portray the individual characteristics of each person. Most of the issues raised in the play are directed towards the prejudice of both women and Jews. The topics of love and hate, comedy and tragedy, justice and mercy, expectations versus reality and finally men against women were all important matters to Shakespeares audience. I have discussed each subject individually and conclude to state that they are all important and relevant to the characters of the play.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sexual Misconduct Teachers
Sexual Misconduct Teachers What is Wrong with our Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Approach to solving the Problem of Educator Sexual Misconduct Introduction Educator Sexual Misconduct (ESM) is becoming more and more of a problem in our society to date. Occurrences are happening at an accelerated rate when compared to twenty years ago. To date there are no preventative measures in place to intercept these potentially harmful individuals who are on their way to becoming teachers in charge of our children. A new nationwide process that will research, evaluate, and forecast these types of criminal behaviors associated with ESM is whats needed today in order to avoid this problem in the future. In addition, legislature could step in and create a more stringent penalty structure for both male and female violators. The school is a place for learning and although a clichà ©, that is where our future lies. Because of that, we need to protect and nurture that environment and not let potential pedophiles roam freely to disrupt that environment. Educator sexual misconduct is not a new problem by any means, but a topic that has jumped onto the scene and wont go away without special attention. Just talking about it wont help or even lessen the problem. Sexual predators are a brash group and just telling them you know theyre there and that you are looking for them wont deter them from their prey. Sexual predators come in many packages. Sexual predators could be male, female, old, young, gay, lesbian, or even bisexual. Considering that, every child who at one point in time goes through the education system is at risk of becoming a target of these predators. The actual victim could be school aged child, a mom, a dad, a spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or a friend. This type of perversion can potentially touch any individual person at any time and last for a lifetime. Since this is an event that could potentially tough every person who ever goes through the school system then why shouldnt we put more emphasis on making sure this doesnt happen. ESM is a wide spread problem that need to be attacked from many different sides. To solve this problem we will need to pull expertise from numerous disciplinary perspectives to reach and expert understanding. Educator sexual misconduct cannot be solved just by one topic alone. Many disciplines are needed to understand the problem, the children involved, and the context in which these events typically occur in. Specifically, one should understand the psychology of the predator as well as the prey, have a sound understanding of the educational system, criminal law, as well as the skill to comb through mountains of statistical data. (Dr Repkos text must be cited but not quoted here) In examination of this problem a view from multiple disciplines is necessary in order to reach a complete understanding of the issue at hand. The disciplines needed to understand this topic are criminal justice, political science, psychology, and statistics. Specifically, we need to know how an ESM event will affect the development of a child and what problems they will face in the future. It is also necessary to look at the problem from a political science viewpoint in order to understand what legislature could, will, wont, and cant do about the problem. A criminal justice viewpoint will allow for a better understanding of how these perpetrators are currently being punished and what adjustments need to be made to in the penal system to get them to not commit these acts. To what I have learned about epistemology is that the question asks you how you learned the event in question. So, for the epistemology for this paper, there was a primary focus on analysis off scholarly research, interpretation of previous mentioned scholarly articles, examination f recent laws court decisions, and policy when it come to prevention and punishment of these acts. Statistics is a process of gathering, arranging, summarizing, and presenting data in a simple yet informative way (Keller 2006). Statistics will be implemented to show that these events are on the rise when compared to twenty years ago. Psychology targets the academic study of mental process and behavior (Plotnik Kouyoumdjian 2007)). Psychology will be utilized to highlight the long term damage that these predators inflict on their victims. It will also show the difficulty these victims face in relation to recovery from the behavioral, developmental, and social disorders associated with ESM. Criminal Justice, which is the system of law and penalties used to maintain order, social control, and to deter and control crime (Siegel Senna 2008)). This discipline will reflect societies current trend when attempting to punish and deter these criminals. Political Science will be the last disciplines and one of the most important. It is in this discipline that the power for reaching a complete resolution for this problem. Political science itself is a social science that is concerned with theory, analysis, and prediction of political behavior (Jackson Jackson 1996). In this case, we will focus on legislature, policy makers, and administrators who have the power to change laws and implement policies to make future violations of these adolescents nearly impossible. This paper is based on careful research of scholarly articles, state laws, recent court decision and administrative decisions and policies of government run school systems. Together these sources will allow for a deeper understanding of complex and growing problem in our school systems. The purpose of this paper is to show that that there is a growing problem in the school system. In the end it should be clear that there is a need or a new process that will multi faceted process to screen potential teachers who fit the profile of ESM, provide harsher punishment for offenders, and a process to help identify personality types of students who are at higher risks of becoming targets. ESM to date is one of the most feared and devastating problems for any school district. So why not attack your most feared enemy with your most powerful weapons available? Background 9.6 percent of all students in grades 8 to 11 report contact and/or non-contact educator sexual misconduct that was unwanted. While this definition includes many different kinds and degrees of ESM they are all considered unwanted and serious in nature. Using this data, for every 2,000 student in a high school, 192 students will experience some degree of ESM. Take for instance a student that goes to a 5A school in Texas. The data shows that they will have a 9.6% chance of being one of those 192 students and an even greater chance of knowing or being friends with one of the 192 students. Now take the total US population and apply it to our topic. Out of 303 million people 29,088,000 million will, or have personally experienced some sort of ESM. That number grows substantially when associated with people who are mildly affected by ESM. It isnt clear when exactly this problem began to spiral out of control, but it is clear that it is a recent trend. In this case, straight comparisons to past numbers wouldnt be accurate because of major population growth. But comparisons or percentages do show a growth in this trend that is began to accelerate its growth in the last fifteen years. Although there has never been a time when ESM did not exist, there was a long period where it was an incredibly rare occurrence and violators were treated severely. Now, most violators arent scared off by the punishment or believe that the system wont catch them. Those that think the system wont catch them are right. To become a teacher you must only be able to pass a background check. Being a person who has gone through that process I know it is not a very thorough one. I dont have a criminal record or anything but I do have an unreasonably high amount of traffic violation on my driving record. However, the school asked me if I would like to get a bus certification since my driving record appeared clean and I would need it for coaching. If that is typical of the care these administrators take in clearing an individuals past driving record then you must ask how bad could a persons criminal record be and still be allowed to teach? Besides fingerprinting and criminal background checks there isnt much else schools are doing to prevent these predators from entering the schools. Some districts are starting to catch on and requiring additional references to include ones personal life in the application process but that is all. There still is no psychological examination, personality screening, extensive research, or a full criminal background check. Some might say that is an invasion of ones privacy but remember that this is voluntary and these teachers have chosen to be around children. When one chooses to help children they need to also extend that aid in helping safeguard them, if that means surrendering so more intrusive examination during the interviewing process than thats what has to be done. To date there is not enough attention given to the seriousness of t he problem. If a person went out today and began their research to see the extent of the problem they would find; cases involving male teachers and female students at an all time high, court cases involving women educators that receive a favorable judgment often times not including jail time, and an environment in which student dont know of or arent concerned with the dangers. One town epidomises the mindset around the nation. This town, their policymakers, and their citizens thought they were not at risk and couldnt be touched by this epidemic. That was the sentiment in Spring, Texas which is now on their third case in the past two years. When asked, city officials responded with, â€Å"When it happens to you and your school district, it certainly increases your awareness†(Radcliffe 2008). That answer is not sufficient though. A better question would be what is being done now that you realize you need to change, or what are you going to change from two years ago, and why did you miss this? According to a draft report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education, in compliance with the 2002 No Child Left Behind act signed into law by President Bush, between 6 percent and 10 percent of public school children across the country have been sexually abused or harassed by school employees and teachers. Here are some excerpts from the study: In the state of New York alone, more than $18.7 million was paid between 1996 and 2001 to students who were sexually abused by educators. Fees for attorneys and investigators are in addition to the settlement amounts. None of the abusers was reported to authorities ** Only 1 percent lost their license to teach ** Only 35 percent of abusers received a negative consequence for their actions: 15 percent were terminated or, if not tenured, they were not rehired; and 20 percent received a formal reprimand or suspension. ** Another 25 percent received no consequence or were reprimanded informally and off-the-record. Nearly 39 percent chose to leave the district, most with positive recommendations or even retirement packages intact. There are many reasons for why teenagers dont see the danger in a relationship with their teacher but I believe the media is the reason for not communicating the problem in a correct manner. Recently in â€Å"Boston Public†, a recently cancelled primetime show thats set in an inner city high school, a female student engages in a sexual relationship with a male teacher and is seen as being a ‘cool for having the relationship, and the teacher carries on the relationship because he is given the chance to resign and isnt even prosecuted. Another episode has a young female student who falls in love with her teacher and initiates contact with him. She then uses that event to blackmail him many times before he turns himself in. Once again, ESM is a complex, ongoing, and disturbing problem in the U.S. and deserves a careful examination. To do so requires and interdisciplinary approach that will allow input from the various topics and academic disciplines that this problem exists in. To better describe how this process will work you should take the complete opposite of â€Å"ceterus parabus†which is the theme for economics. It basically states that economics will study the effects on supply from one perspective or event at a time. Here, we will need more than one perspective to examine our topic or we will fail to completely understand the problem and not see the solution. While all steps in the interdisciplinary process are important, without integration you cannot develop, combine and produce a new deeper understanding to the problem. In this case the interdisciplinary approach will allow for a further breakdown of the problem itself. It will allow for perspectives from psychology, political science , math, and criminal justice. When you individually attack the many different and complex aspects of this topic, you will then be able to synthesize this knowledge and come out with a â€Å"new whole†(Repko 2005). Disciplinary Perspectives and Insights Integration Conclusion References Criminal Justice Siegel, Larry J Senna, Joseph J. (2008) Introduction to criminal justice (11th ed.). New York: Thomson Wadsworth. Political Science Jackson, Robert J. Jackson, Doreen (1996). A comparative Introduction to Political Science. New York: Prentice Hall. Robins, Sydney L. (2000). Protecting Our Students. Ontario, Canada: Ontario Ministryof the Attorney General. Robins, Sydney L. (1998). Protecting our students: A review to identify and prevent sexual misconduct in Ontario schools. Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto. Additional Sources Psychology Corbett, K., Gentry, C., and Pearson, W., Jr. (1993). Sexual harassment in high school. Youth and Society. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 93-103. P Flemming J. (1997). Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in a community sample of Australian women. Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 166, pp65-68. P Freel, M. (2003). Child sexual abuse and the male monopoly: An empirical exploration of gender and a sexual interest in children. The BritishJournal ofSocial Work. No. 33, pp 481-498. P Plotnik, Rod Kouyoumdjian, Haig. (2008). Introduction to Psychology (8th ed.). NewYork: Thomson Wadsworth. Statistics Keller, S (2006). Statistics for management and economics (7th ed.). New York: Thomson South-Western. Additional Sources American Association of University Women (2001). Hostile Hallways, Washington,D.C.: AAUW Educational Foundation Corbett, K., Gentry, C., and Pearson, W., Jr. (1993). Sexual harassment in high school. Youth and Society. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 93-103. Flemming J. (1997). Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in a community sample of Australian women. Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 166, pp65-68. Freel, M. (2003). Child sexual abuse and the male monopoly: An empiricalexploration of gender and a sexual interest in children. The BritishJournal of Social Work. No. 33, pp 481-498. Repko, A. (2005). Interdisciplinary practice: A student guide to research and writing (Preliminary ed.). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. Robbins, D. (2001, April 22). Out of bounds: Sexual misconduct by educators in Texas. Chronicle investigation reveals relationship of coaches and students rife with abuse. Houston Available online: Robbins, D. (2001, April 22). We trust our kids to them every day. But a Chronicle investigation reveals the relationship between secondary school coaches and students is rife with abuse. Out of bounds. The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved November 22, 2007 from Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe database. Robins, Sydney L. (2000). Protecting Our Students. Ontario, Canada: Ontario Ministryof the Attorney General. Robins, Sydney L. (1998). Protecting our students: A review to identify and prevent sexual misconduct in Ontario schools. Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto. Shakeshaft, C., and Cohan, A. (1994). In loco parentis: Sexual abuse of students in schools. What administrators should know. Report to the U.S. Department of Education, Field Initiated Grants. Shakeshaft, C. (2003, Spring). Educator Sexual Abuse. Hofstra Horizons, pp. 10-13. Shakeshaft, C., Cohan, A. (1994). In loco parentis: Sexual abuse of students in schools. What administrators should know. Report to the U.S. Department of Education, Field Initiated Grants. Shakeshaft, C. (2003, Spring). Educator Sexual Abuse. Hofstra Horizons, pp. 10-13. Appendices Glossary Contact or Non Contact Abuse:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Nature of Perceived Ultimacy in Zen Buddhism Essay -- Philosophy
This paper will explore the question of how to understand the nature of perceived ultimacy in Zen Buddhism. This will be achieved through providing a justification for why this question should be of any interest and then hypothesizing about possible implications of the results. Next, the framework that is to be used in categorizing the core beliefs in Zen will be explained and made clear. After this description is complete the author will proceed to fit Zen Buddhism into this framework and will demonstrate that the Zen religion is no exception to the employed framework. Finally the author will describe the perceived ultimacy of Zen Buddhism. The topic of Zen Buddhism and understanding how it fits into a framework that was designed to describe and compare religions is important because religion has a major impact on the world and to be able to understand and â€Å"explore†what the world has to offer is an important aspect of existence as a human being. Some might wonder why Zen Buddhism is important when it is not a major religion in the United States, but perhaps that is the very reason it is so important to understand Zen Buddhism and to be able to describe it in a way that allows one to make comparisons with more familiar religions in a standardized framework. Zen Buddhism in particular is interesting in the setting of the United States because as Americans we have had little experience with Buddhism. Shunryu Suzuki related in the book Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, that Americans start Buddhism with a very pure mind, a beginners mind, which allows us to understand the Buddha’s teaching as he meant them to be understood (138). Suzuki also states in the book that because of this, hopefully, young Americans have the chance to fi... ...if he and the world were just created from nothingness (Suzuki 67), this too is a change in how humans normally experience the world. Wherever Zen Buddhism fits in exactly between secular and spiritual is hard to tell, and like Suzuki said perhaps Zen is a religion before religion and the appreciation of our original nature as strange as it might sound to us is even described as â€Å"unusual†to Suzuki himself (124). It is clear however that Zen fits into Young’s framework and perhaps with a beginner’s mind one can make use of this and find for themselves the answers to at least part of the questions about their own life. Bibliography Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginners Mind. New York & Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1982. Young, William A. The World’s Religions Worldviews and Contemporary Issues. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 1995.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Movement Of Womens Rights :: Womens Suffrage essays research papers
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." That was Margaret Mead's conclusion after a lifetime of observing very diverse cultures around the world. Her insight has been borne out time and again throughout the development of this country of ours. Being allowed to live life in an atmosphere of religious freedom, having a voice in the government you support with your taxes, living free of lifelong enslavement by another person. Many once considered these beliefs about how life should and must be lived outlandish. But visionaries whose steadfast work brought about changed minds and attitudes fervently held these beliefs. Now these beliefs are commonly shared across U.S. society. 1998 marks the 150th Anniversary of a movement by women to achieve full civil rights in this country. The staggering changes for women that have come about over those seven generations in family life, in religion, in government, in employment, in education - these changes did not just happen spontaneously. Women themselves made these changes happen, very deliberately. Women have not been the passive recipients of miraculous changes in laws and human nature. Seven generations of women have come together to affect these changes in the most democratic ways: through meetings, petition drives, lobbying, public speaking, and nonviolent resistance. Throughout 1998, the 150th anniversary of the Women's Rights Movement is being celebrated across the nation with programs and events taking every form imaginable. Like many amazing stories, the history of the Women's Rights Movement began with a small group of people questioning why human lives were being unfairly constricted. The Women's Rights Movement marks July 13, 1848 as it’s beginning. On that sweltering summer day in upstate New York, a young housewife and mother, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was invited to tea with four women friends. When the course of their conversation turned to the situation of women, Stanton poured out her discontent with the limitations placed on her own situation under America's new democracy. Surely the new republic would benefit from having its women play more active roles throughout society. Stanton's friends agreed with her, passionately. Today we are living the legacy of this afternoon conversation among women friends. Throughout 1998, events celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Women's Rights Movement are looking at the massive changes these women set in motion when they daringly agreed to convene the world's first Women's Rights Convention.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Job Analysis and Selection Methods Essay
For this method to be effective the interviewer is required to ensure the interviee fully understands the reasons for the interview to avoid such interviews to be viewed as efficiency evaluation which may hinder them to describe their job accurately. The method can be utilized efficiently for top management job analysis for example the position of the managing director of a company. This would enable acquisition of vital information such as general purpose of the job, responsibilities, duties, education, experience and skills required. (Henderson, 1985) Advantages * It’s simple and quick hence it’s the most used method in the world. * It can reveal important information that might not appear in written form and information on activities that does not occur occasionally. It provides a chance for the interviewer to explain the importance, need and functions of the job analysis. * Can be used to generate qualitative data. * Suitable for jobs with long job cycles. (office of human resources, 2008) Disadvantages * Employees may distort information by exaggerating certain responsibilities and minimizing others. * Sometimes to obtain valid information can be a very slow slow and time consuming * Experienced interviewers and properly designed questions are required. Data gathered by the process is subjective and requires to be verified. * Combining data from discreet interviews is sometimes difficult. (office of human resources, 2008) STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE METHOD This method involves designing questionnaire and having employees fill them to describe their job related duties and responsibilities and rate them. Questions can be structured and employees given a list of specific duties and asked to indicate whether or not they perform them. Questions could also be open ended. The method can be used efficiently for job analysis involving low level management posts and junior employees for instance office assistants and semi skilled employees. This could offer a quick way to gather information from such large group of employees. (Henderson, 1985) Advantages * It’s a cheap way to gather information from a large numbers of workers than interview for instance. * Its quick and efficient method. * It does not require a trained interviewer. * Data collected is standardized. Disadvantages * Questionnaire development and testing is both expensive and time consuming. This provides quality and instant feedback on descriptive information of a candidate such as their strengths and weaknesses. Applicants are also given work sample which is a replica of the job and are required to demonstrate that possess the necessary skills and talents by doing the actual job. This offers a good evaluation of applicant’s abilities in actual job activities and thus helps to reduce discrimination. (Patrick Hauenstein, 2005) Weaknesses To develop good and accurate work samples for each job is difficult and time consuming. Work samples are also difficult to apply in managerial posts where it’s not possible to develop a work sample that can cover all activities. The process also requires highly qualified and assessors which are expensive to maintain. (Patrick Hauenstein, 2005) Validity Employment tests has been extensively used and shown to be an accurate method to predict a candidate success. The method is also very relevant to the job at hand and therefore widely accepted as compared to other methods. (Patrick Hauenstein, 2005) Reliability Employment tests are a reliable way of obtaining vital information about applicant’s abilities, and skills in actual job environment. They therefore tend to be accurate predictors of applicant later performance (Patrick Hauenstein, 2005) * REFERENCES Henderson, R. J. (1985). Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance. Upper Saddle River, N. J. : Prentice Hall. office of human resources. (2008). Compensation & Classification. South 2nd Street, Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota. Patrick Hauenstein. (2005). Employee Selection: Part 2 – Interviews and Simulations. Navient Corporation.
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